After the tragic deaths of Jeremiah Duggan and Ken Kronberg, we hope this website will give those who are intrigued, puzzled, distressed or harmed by LaRouche and his destructive political cult, a better “picture” of what would often appear as confusing, creepy or insane.

This website about the “LaRouche phenomenon” is unique because it is written by those who know him best: the former members of his Organization who have not deserted their moral commitment since they first joined.

They have spent decades of their lives working with and for him. They knew him personally and helped build his destructive cult.

It is therefore an insider view on that Bizarro Planet of Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche Junior… a kind of (ideological) colonoscopy (*)… to expose his destructive cult for what it is: a political and intellectual fraud.

As for those who “know” but won’t talk, here is our message.

(*) On this sensitive question, here is an interesting comment  from “borismaglev” at factnet.org

PS: As the tribute vice pays to virtue, this website (and some of its alleged collaborators along with many other LaRouche’s critics) has just been “attacked” ad hominem by the LaRouche cult to be a “British cabal” against … America! So predictable.

Yves Messer in front of the Berlin wall (2008).

More information on the late LaRouche’s organization (cult).

This site is a work-in-progress. Many pages still need to be written or edited. So, be patient and stay tuned…, we won’t disappoint you. 😉